Welcome to our Paradigm.

We provide customized financial solutions to help you protect what matters, prepare for life’s milestones, and prosper through retirement.

Welcome to Our Paradigm.
We craft customized financial solutions to help you protect what matters, prepare for life's milestones, and prosper through retirement.

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Dedicated Experts
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Happy Customers
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our paradigm

Why Our Way
is a Better Way

We’ve pioneered a new paradigm of planning for the future. Our process combines the best of traditional financial strategies with expertise in planning for the expense of college. Additionally, we focus on reducing risk and maximizing tax efficiencies so our clients are comfortable despite market volatility.

Our cross-disciplinary approach ensures that your finances are explored from several perspectives to help you define your personal and business goals, and create comprehensive plans to achieve them. Our mission is to help people protect what matters to them, prosper in the present, afford college, and feel secure in retirement.

About Us

Meet The Partners

David A. Kozak


John. J. Lennon


Matthew M. McCarter


insurance, college, security

We Offer Customized Solutions to Meet Your Unique Needs


Protect What Matters Most to you

Our insurance specialists work only for you. We operate independently from any specific carrier, enabling us to find you the best property and casualty protection for your needs at the best possible price.


Discover Ways to Reduce College Expenses

Our college experts possess comprehensive knowledge of the complex financial aid system, how to navigate it effortlessly, and how your financial decisions can profoundly affect what you will pay for college.


Establish a Path to a secure future

Financial security goes well beyond market performance. Our D-SIDE® method ensures we understand your current financial situation, future goals, and any problems to be solved. We then strategize to develop customized solutions that provide reliability, redundancy, and stability for our clients, even in uncertain times.

Can We Help You?

We offer one-on-one, no obligation consultations to understand your specific goals, present your overall financial picture, and give insight on blindspots or potential opportunities.

What People Say About Us

Client Testimonials

The following testimonials were given by clients of Paradigm Financial Group. No compensation was provided for the testimonials. This arrangement creates a material conflict of interest because Paradigm Financial Group has an incentive to engage clients who have had a positive experience with the firm to provide such testimonials. There is no guarantee another individual’s experience will be representative of the individual providing this testimonial and no guarantees of performance or success are offered.

You Deserve One Of Our Best Lawyers

with 35 years of law experience

We have lots of experience

Case Studies

5 Factors That Influence Vacation Home Insurance

So, it turns out that working from home in 2020 made many people want…a second home. In fact, by October 2020, demand for second homes skyrocketed 100% from a year earlier, according to a report in “The World Property Journal.” It makes sense that if you could work from anywhere, you might prefer to work

What is Market Volatility and How Can You Protect Against It?

If anyone told you on January 1, 2020 that toilet paper was about to become a precious commodity…you wouldn’t have believed them. But, of course, that is exactly what happened when the pandemic hit, lock-down began, and panic-buying set in. So, what does this have to do with financial markets? It illustrates that our world

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